EDGE MASK - Change to unique notification design
750 Reviews -
edge mask Version
Change the design of the old notification. Edge lighting, AOD. What do you want?
EDGE MASK - Change to unique notification design belongs to the category of Tools Apps for Android and it has been developed by uno.kim. Download the latest version (edge mask) of the APK mod here in APKem.com which was released on 2025-01-04.
EDGE MASK - Change to unique notification design has been voted 750 times with an average score of 3.6 since 2025-01-01. It's Free and the file size is 7.9 MB. The last version of its download is optimized for the version 21 (Android 5.0+).
I'll change the design of the old notification.
Change to unique notification design.
✓ Notification receive effect
✓ Message pop-up design customize
※ Mask effect
Samsung rounded corners
※ 3 types of Notification receive effects
Punch hole lighting, Edge lighting, Edge lighting wave
※ 7 types of Message pop-up design customize
Ripple, Card, BIg icon, Book mark, Samsung, Apple, Super slim
※ Effect when the screen is turn on
Hello lighting
※ Always on display support (AOD)
※ Please send us your comments
Tell me about the notification pop-up design and the notification reception effect.
If so, it will update soon.