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Local Weather Alerts - Widget

Vitality App Studios

  • 4.9

    296.6k Reviews
  • 1.5.1 Version

Accurate weather forecast, daily weather changes are easy to grasp

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Local Weather Alerts - Widget belongs to the category of Weather Apps for Android and it has been developed by Vitality App Studios. Download the latest version (1.5.1) of the APK mod here in APKem.com which was released on 2025-03-28.

Local Weather Alerts - Widget has been voted 296.6k times with an average score of 4.9 since 2025-01-22. It's Free and the file size is 16.1 MB. The last version of its download is optimized for the version 21 (Android 5.0+).

All weather information is gathered on one page for easy viewing. View and manage weather information of multiple cities at the same time. You can predict the weather in the next few hours and days. Weather warning information to help you plan ahead.

【Product Features】

Real-time weather data:
Provide weather forecast information for 24 hours and 25 days.
Air quality information:
Monitor air quality in real time and care for your health.
Alert notification:
Provide weather notifications for rain, snow, lightning, haze, storms, etc.
Desktop Weather Widget:
Multiple desktop widgets are available, and you can choose a style you like.
Accurate forecast of rain and snow up to the hour:
Get accurate weather temperature changes to hours in advance to plan ahead for your appearance.
Global weather queries for any latitude and longitude:
Supports weather queries for any latitude and longitude in the world.
Multi-day weather forecast:
Multi-day weather trend forecast, forecast the rain early to make plans.
Radar map:
Clear radar map of precipitation trends, providing accurate weather forecast trends to protect your travel.
Various weather backgrounds:
Beautiful weather realistic background, according to different weather information cut map is not the same weather background picture.
A list of city management:
View weather information for multiple cities at the same time, add or remove the city weather you want.

Contact us and feedback
Email: [email protected]

  • Package name live.weather.vitality.studio.forecast.widget
  • Category Weather
  • Latest Version 1.5.1
  • License Free
  • Date 2025-03-28
  • Available on google play
  • Developer Vitality App Studios
  • Requirements Android 5.0+

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