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MyICON - Icon Changer, Themes, (VIP Unlocked)

Ai Bei Ji Xing TECH CO LTD

Change app icons, themes and wallpapers for your home screen

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MyICON - Icon Changer, Themes, belongs to the category of Personalization Apps for Android and it has been developed by Ai Bei Ji Xing TECH CO LTD. Download the latest version ( of the APK mod here in APKem.com which was released on 2024-12-22.

MyICON - Icon Changer, Themes, (VIP Unlocked) has been voted 77.7k times with an average score of 3.2 since 2022-10-02. It's Free and the file size is 55.3 MB. The last version of its download is optimized for the version 21 (Android 5.0+).

Using MyICON, you can replace the app icons on the home screen with a variety of pictures to make your home screen unique and show your personality and preferences. MyICON provides a wealth of well-designed icons, themes and wallpapers, you can choose from them as you like. With the custom icon feature, you can also choose your favorite pictures and photos from the local album to set as app icons. Download MyICON now and make your home screen look a whole new look!

- Hundreds of icon pictures to choose from
- Icons, themes and wallpapers in different styles, such as fresh, sci-fi, landscape, cute, etc.
- Support uploading pictures from albums as icons
- Support to modify the app name
- The operation process is clear and simple

We will continue to update icons and themes to bring you a steady stream of freshness. Come and beautify your home screen with MyICON!

User Agreement: https://meiapps.ipolaris-tech.com/myicon/privacy/agreement_en.html
Privacy Policy: https://meiapps.ipolaris-tech.com/myicon/privacy/privacypolicy_en.html
Part of the material comes from https://www.flaticon.com/authors/freepik


Previous Versions
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MyICON - Icon Changer, Themes, (VIP Unlocked) medium icon 2022.09.02

MyICON - Icon Changer, Themes, (VIP Unlocked)


55.3 MB • Free Download

MyICON - Icon Changer, Themes, (VIP Unlocked) medium icon 2022.09.02

MyICON - Icon Changer, Themes, (VIP Unlocked)


52.9 MB • Free Download

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