Walli - 4K, HD Wallpapers & Backgrounds (Unlimited Cash/Coins)
756.6k Reviews -
2.12.82 Version
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The best free HD wallpapers and backgrounds! Get a new cool wallpaper every day!

Walli - 4K, HD Wallpapers & Backgrounds belongs to the category of Personalization Apps for Android and it has been developed by Tap-Mobile. Download the latest version (2.12.82) of the APK mod here in APKem.com which was released on 2025-03-25.
Walli - 4K, HD Wallpapers & Backgrounds (Unlimited Cash/Coins) has been voted 756.6k times with an average score of 4.7 since 2021-06-25. It's Free and the file size is 32.1 MB. The last version of its download is optimized for the version 28 (Android 9+).
🎉🎉 Walli wallpapers are featured on Google Pixel devices and Google Wallpapers app. We are very proud to be selected by Google. 🎉🎉
On average, nowadays, we check our phone over a hundred times a day. Our phone wallpaper being the first thing we see, it can really influence our mood and it is also a great way to express our unique personality.
This is why we launched Walli, a creative wallpapers app, to make sure you always have a cool wallpaper at hand. We think it’s important that you can easily find inspiring and beautiful wallpapers that will make you happy and feel great every time you pick up your phone.
This is not just another wallpapers and backgrounds app, offering the same usual photos of flowers, cars and landscape
Creative wallpapers | Walli is a high quality, selective collection of unique and cool wallpapers exclusively made by artists, for your device. Your phone and tablet have never been so good-looking :)
A community of top artists | Walli is also a selective community of artists from around the world, each one with their unique style, selected carefully one by one by the Walli team. We searched after the best graphic artists around the world so you don’t have to. Discover new talents, browse their artwork and find your next favorite wallpaper for mobile or tablet!
Artists get rewarded for their work | By using our app, you will be helping artists getting recognition for their art. We reward each participating artist by sharing our earnings with them.
Walli’s Main Features
New Feature! Automatic wallpaper changer: change your wallpaper in an automatic way with the new Walli Playlist feature. Select the images that you like, press PLAY and your wallpaper will shuffle automatically at your preferred frequency. We hope you enjoy it!
- Browse easily among our awesome wallpapers with 3 main sections:
+ Featured: check which wallpapers the Walli team recommends.
+ Popular: find out what are the best wallpapers according to other users.
+ Recent: discover the newest wallpapers on the app.
+ Collections on different themes
- Like your favorite artworks and find them later quickly in your personal profile.
- Set a new wallpaper without leaving the app: choose your new favorite wallpaper and change your phone background directly from the app. Simply tap the image and choose “set as wallpaper”.
- A large selection of wallpapers on various themes: photos, 4, black, amoled, anime, manga, animals, abstract, funny, colorful... We offer backgrounds for all tastes and moods!
- Multiple sizes of wallpapers available: before a wallpaper download, Walli will point you toward the resolution that fits best your device.
- Get to know your preferred artists: each of our hd wallpapers is linked to the artist profile page. You will be able to see all her/his available artwork and learn more about the artist thanks to a small bio and direct links to their website and social networks.
Follow us on Facebook and Instagram to get to know (better) our community of artists, to learn about upcoming artists on Walli and also to discover new and cool wallpapers.
On Facebook: www.facebook.com/walliapp
On Instragram : www.instagram.com/walliapp
Reminder on Terms of Use: All the artworks offered on Walli are for Personal Use only! If you are interested to use one of the artworks for a commercial purpose, please contact the artist.