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Weather Forecast, Radar & Widget - Morecast


Pinpoint Weather Forecast App with Doppler Radar, Widgets and Weather Navigation

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Weather Forecast, Radar & Widget - Morecast belongs to the category of Weather Apps for Android and it has been developed by UBIMET. Download the latest version (v4.1.36) of the APK mod here in APKem.com which was released on 2025-03-14.

Weather Forecast, Radar & Widget - Morecast has been voted 157.4k times with an average score of 4.3 since 2025-01-02. It's Free and the file size is 19.7 MB. The last version of its download is optimized for the version 24 (Android 7.0+).

Morecast - Weather Forecast with Radar & Widget is your personal weather companion, that helps you prepare for upcoming Snow Storms, Rain, Heat and other severe weather conditions.


► Pinpoint Weather
Precise weather is available at a street-level accuracy for your current location or favorite locations anywhere in the U.S., Canada and Mexico. Morecast is backed by global weather forecast data from more than 28,000 weather stations.

► Weather Radar
Visualize by the minute precipitation on our weather radar map. Radar shows snow, rain, temperature or lightning layers in real time.

► Storm Tracker
Morecast will inform you of upcoming storms including heavy snowfall up to 60 minutes ahead of time.

► Customizable Weather Widget
Get automatic updates of the weather situation on your home screen with our beautiful widgets.

► Weather Graphs
Visualize any weather situation in our easy to use interface with detailed hyper-local weather forecasts in 24 hour, 3 day and 14 day graphs.

► Live Webcams
Preview live weather situations around the world by choosing from thousands of global webcams.

► Navigation with On-Route Weather
Morecast offers a brilliant navigation feature to help you decide on the best route around weather conditions.

► Weather Community
Be a part of our great weather community and share your weather moments with fellow Morecasters.

► Compare
Compare weather for two locations side-by-side, so you can always make the best decision.

1. Temperature: in °F or °C for the current temperature, daily maximum and minimum and hourly forecasts

2. Wind: Wind direction and wind speed in mph, km/h or knots

3. Precipitation: By the minute precipitation, storm tracker with rain and snow probability and amount in inches, mm or l/m²

4. Humidity: By the hour in %

5. Cloud coverage: Actual and forecasted cloud coverage in % on graphs

6. Sunshine Duration: The amount of sunshine for today and the next 7 days

7. UV index: Hourly UV index info

8. Sunrise and sunset: Times for the next 3 days

9. Air pressure: In hPa by the hour and for the next 7 days

Morecast is an advanced Android weather app with weather radar providing comprehensive weather data by combining data from the local national weather services and from the Morecast Data Centers. We ensure you have the highest quality of meteorological data available, in order to alert you of upcoming storms, rain, or extreme heat. Morecast also features a community of avid users posting thousands interesting weather-related postings every day.

This free Android app includes the normally paid for features such as hourly weather forecast, weather radar, snow storm tracker, navigation weather, Android Widgets, and webcams. App is fully localized to more than 25 widely spoken languages.

Enjoy the ad-free version of our premium weather app. Purchase now!

Please find important links below:
- Privacy Policy: https://morecast.com/static/doc/PrivacyPolicy.pdf
- Terms of Use: http://morecast.com/content/uploads/2015/07/EN.pdf

Please share your feedback and ideas directly with us at [email protected].

‣ Facebook https://www.facebook.com/morecast
‣ Twitter https://twitter.com/morecast
‣ Instagram https://instagram.com/morecast/

For more information about Morecast - Weather Forecast with Radar & Widget visit: www.morecast.com

  • Package name com.morecast.weather
  • Category Weather
  • Latest Version v4.1.36
  • License Free
  • Date 2025-03-14
  • Available on google play
  • Developer UBIMET
  • Requirements Android 7.0+

Previous Versions
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Weather Forecast, Radar & Widget - Morecast medium icon
v4.1.36 2024.12.31

Weather Forecast, Radar & Widget - Morecast


19.7 MB • Free Download

Weather Forecast, Radar & Widget - Morecast medium icon
v4.1.33 2024.12.31

Weather Forecast, Radar & Widget - Morecast


19.8 MB • Free Download

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