Remotely view listen control and record cameras.

IP Cam Viewer Pro belongs to the category of Productivity Apps for Android and it has been developed by Robert Chou. Download the latest version (7.3.4) of the APK mod here in which was released on 2025-03-05.
IP Cam Viewer Pro (No) has been voted 18.3k times with an average score of 4.1 since 2021-09-15. It's Free and the file size is 32.7 MB. The last version of its download is optimized for the version 16 (Android 4.1+).
Awarded Best Software in Utilities category for 2011
Remotely access your video camera, digital video recorder, network recorder and webcam.
Over 1600+ devices supported. Use Scan Camera to automatically find compatible driver.
With 5+ years of development there are so many features they won't let me describe them properly so here's an overview.
Wide protocol and video format support include HTTPS, RTSP and ONVIF.
Features include matrix view, pan tilt zoom, home/lock screen widgets, grouping, encryption and in-app motion detection.
Support for 2-way audio, background audio, record mode with remote control.